In the “box of thoughts”. Jarosław Mikołajewski: Syrakuzańskie. Kraków–Budapeszt–Syrakuzy 2019, 68 s.

Karolina Najgeburska

(Uniwersytet Gdański)
E-mail: karolina.najgeburska[at]
ORCID: 0000-0003-0272-6000
DOI: 10.31261/FLPI.2021.03.15
„Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica” 2021, nr 1, s. 233-242

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The article discusses the literary representation of an Italian journey in the essayistic book Syrakuzańskie by Jarosław Mikołajewski – a poet, writer, reporter and translator from Italian. Since every attempt of writing about the journey through Italy must be confronted with the tradition of writing about this country and its culture, the aim of the research is to explore to what extent the book in question falls within this narrative scheme of the „Italian texts” and what kind of problems the writer must face when undertaking this issue. The author analyses the figures of a traveler and a tourist, trying to examine in what manner each of them determinates the way of experiencing the„unknown”. The important context of the analysis is also the refugee crisis which sheds a new light on the image of Syracuse in present times.