Reportage in the Manner of Tiziano Terzani’s „Goodnight, Mister Lenin” and the Epiphanies of Places

Gloria Politi

(Università del Salento)
E-mail: gloria.politi[at]
ORCID: 0000-0002-7020-5381
DOI: 10.31261/FLPI.2023.05.03
„Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica” 2023, nr 1

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In this paper, Gloria Politi embarks upon an analysis of Goodnight, Mister Lenin seen as an interpretation of the genre of reportage in the peculiar way by its author Tiziano Terzani. In terms of methodology, this approach draws on theories of literary criticism, textual hermeneutics and narratology. The analysis shows how the depiction of the flow of events before the reader’s eyes reveals an inner gaze that, according to Pavel Florensky, almost creates a figurative mark, just like the impressions conveyed by poetry. Terzani’s word thus expresses all its evocative potential as a narrative transfer of the rendering of space in the visual arts.