“Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica”, nr 1 (3) 2021 – Interference

“Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica"
nr 1 (3) 2021

red. Mariusz Jochemczyk, Miłosz Piotrowiak

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Mariusz Jochemczyk, Miłosz Piotrowiak: Introduction


Articles and Studies


Andrea F. De Carlo: A city with many faces. The image of Naples in Zygmunt Krasiński’s works.

Marzena Woźniak-Łabieniec: „I had the strangest dream…”. Arte e amore in dreamlike notes of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński’s Dziennik 1957–1958.

Mariusz Jochemczyk: “Inglourious Basterds”. Italian reminiscences of Artur Międzyrzecki’s writing.

Bogusława Bodzioch-Bryła: Trapped on a journey… Poetic images of contemporary Italy in the works of Adam Zagajewski.

Aleksander Nawarecki: “What is poetry?” (Derrida, Uniłowski, Berardi).

Krystyna Jaworska: Zofia Kozarynowa: the role of an academic teacher in the development of Polish studies in interwar Italy.



Francesco S. Perillo: Echoes of the battle of Kosovo polje (1389) in Italian historiography and culture.

Tadeusz Sławek: Rain permeats all. On consolation.

Giuseppe Moscati: Relationships in relation: see at “otherness”.


Dante Alighieri: Canto X. Transl. Jarosław Mikołajewski

Discussions, overviews and commentaries 

Karolina Najgeburska: In the “box of thoughts”. Jarosław Mikołajewski: Syrakuzańskie. Kraków–Budapeszt–Syrakuzy 2019, 68 s.