For Reviewers

The reviewing process only applies to these articles which have been granted the positive recommendation by both the guest editors of the issue and the Editorial Board of Fabrica Litterarum.

Each article (a manuscript submitted by the Author) is sent to two independent reviewers who are the members of neither the Editorial Team nor the Academic Board. By no means should they also represent the academic facility of the Author.

While recommending the article for publishing, the reviewers consider whether the article is innovative and its theoretical position – appropriate, how it includes recent research in the argument, or how it contributes to the research field.

Reviewers are bound to act with regard to the ethical principles stated in Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, published in 2011 by Committee on Publication Ethics.

All reviews are double-blind and submitted as a written document (the review form is available at the website of our journal).

The Editorial Board is bound by the recommendation stated by the reviewers in their forms. In an event of incompatible assessments, the decision of publishing (or rejecting) the article is made by the Editor-in-Chief after consulting with a third reviewer, guest editor and the Editorial Board.

Reviews and reviewed manuscripts are confidential: the reviewers are forbidden to publish or share their reviews, and to contact the Author. The Editorial Board never discloses the reviews, be it to the authors or the other reviewers.

Reviewers are obliged to produce review forms in the time frame of five weeks after receiving a manuscript.

The anti-plagiarism policy is launched when an article is suspected of violating the ethical principles or bears the marks of academic dishonesty. In such cases, the Editorial Board closely investigates and documents the publishing process, and notifies the academic institution of the author.

The names of the reviewers are not disclosed until the issue is published. Once in a year (late December), Fabrica Litterarum publishes the complete list of reviewers who have contributed to the journal in the last 12 months.